"He always had a smile on his face," said Jason Swain, who knew 1st Lt. Collins through school and church. "When we'd play softball together and I was already on base, he'd run up right behind me after getting a hit, telling me to get moving."
While Collins didn't mind a private chuckle, he usually wasn't having fun unless he could entertain the people around him.
"I've never seen someone so focused on making people laugh," Justin Galimore, who spent a decade in various classrooms with Collins, explained.
While many friends and area residents kept smiles on their faces because they knew that's what Collins would have wanted, the reason for the large gathering south of Atlanta was solemn. On April 7, Collins, 24, and Pfc. William Blount, 21, were killed by an improvised explosive device planted by terrorists in Mosul, Iraq. The Unknown Soldiers will also write about Pfc. Blount's life in the days ahead.
While Collins' sense of humor is legendary around Tyrone, the intense drive to success he displayed is also deeply respected in the community. His parents, Lt. Col. Sharon Collins (Ret.) and Lt. Col. Burkitt Collins (Ret.), clearly instilled passionate, patriotic determination in their only child, who showed unmistakable signs of future leadership as a student at Sandy Creek High School.
"He was class president for a reason," a classmate told me. "Everyone knew who Robert Collins was."
Collins' intellectual brilliance shined in the classroom, and his physical toughness translated to the football field, where Collins excelled on the varsity squad. An airman who knew Collins told me his friend was once hit hard by a defensive lineman from Tyrone named Kedric Golston. Collins suffered a serious knee injury on the play, but stayed on the field for at least two more snaps before limping to the sidelines. The fierce hit may have showed why Golston would become a defensive lineman for the University of Georgia and later the Washington Redskins, but Collins' refusal to quit showed why he would become an American soldier.
Collins attended the United States Military Academy at West Point, where so many brave men and women before him have studied and trained. One of those heroes is 1st Lt. Tyler Parten, who I have been honored to write about extensively. Parten's mother, Lona, who has shown amazing courage and strength since her oldest son's tragic death in September, was the first person to alert me to Collins' story. It amazes me how West Point, which 1st Lt. Parten's younger brother, Daniel, now attends, is such a close-knit family.
Like Parten in Afghanistan, Collins was a platoon leader in Iraq. Today, the 1st Battalion, 64th Armor Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team is undoubtedly thinking about a man many of them looked up to, as well as fallen Pfc. William Blount. Collins, who will be laid to rest on Saturday morning, arrived at Peachtree City's Falcon Field at noon. As I patiently waited to wave my flag to honor him, I couldn't help but marvel at the incredible turnout to salute this volunteer warrior. Police closed streets, fire engines displayed tributes, businesses closed, and strangers came to town to honor a son of American heroes who worked so hard to follow in his parents' footsteps.
As the motorcade carrying the soldier's flag-draped casket approached, sounds of grief began to drown out the Patriot Guard Riders of Georgia motorcycles. While almost everyone in the group knew Collins, many are also friends with his beloved girlfriend of eight years. Thoughts of her aching heart spurred tears as well.
While I recorded video of this solemn moment, I believe it is most appropriate to keep these difficult emotions private. Like the below West Point graduation picture shows, Collins always wanted his smile to encourage happiness in others. It did. Yet the courageous soldier is also helping us reflect on the extraordinary, often underappreciated accomplishments of his generation since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. While I wish I had met the fine people of Tyrone under different circumstances, spending a few hours with friends of 1st Lt. Robert Collins was a distinct honor I will never forget.

Tom, great job with this post. I only met Robert a few times several years ago, but I remember him clearly because he had me in cackles. He was renowned for his humor.
ReplyDeleteThanks for dipping down into our neighborhood and putting this story out there for people to read. You do important work on this blog. Keep it up and remember that you're not alone. We too strive to recognize the valor and sacrifices of soldiers and their families -- as do many of Georgia's community newspapers.
Trey Alverson
Fayette County News
Today in Peachtree City
Thanks for your comment, Mr. Alverson.
ReplyDeleteI agree that your newspapers, as well as many other local outlets around the country, often do an admirable job covering personal stories of sacrifice since 9/11. Unfortunately, that solid reporting and perspective usually does not translate to the national press, which remains obsessed with celebrity gossip, beltway bickering, and other "flavor of the month" stories.
I appreciate your comment, and keep up the great work. My deepest condolences for the loss of 1st Lt. Collins. Your area is doing an incredible job honoring him.
Great Article Tom. Another wonderful tribute to a fallen hero. Lona Parten
ReplyDeleteThank you for this great tribute to Robert. I did not know him well, but my twin daughters attended 6-12 grade with him and I loved hearing their many funny "Robert stories". He truly loved to make others laugh. We are proud of Robert, his service to our great country and continue to pray for his parents and Nicolle. He will not be forgotten.